Privacy Policy

    This game attaches great importance to the privacy protection of users, so this privacy policy has been formulated to cover how to collect, use, disclose, share and store user information. When users use our services, we may collect and use your relevant information. We hope to explain to you through this "Privacy Policy" how we collect, use, store and share this information when using our services, and how we provide you with access, update, control and protection of this information. This "Privacy Policy" applies to the user's interaction with the game and the user's registration and use of the game's services. We recommend that you read this policy carefully to help you understand how to protect your privacy. By using or continuing to use our services, you agree to our collection, use, storage and sharing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Information we may collect

When we provide services, we may collect, store and use the following information about you. If you do not provide relevant information, you may not be able to register as our user or enjoy some of the services we provide, or you may not be able to achieve the intended effect of the relevant services.
Information you provide
a) When you register an account or use our services, you provide us with relevant personal information, such as phone number, identification, email, etc.;
b) When the services you use need to be linked with the user's bank account or account of other payment instruments, you provide us with your bank account information or account information of other payment instruments.
c) Shared information you provide to other parties through our services, and information stored when you use our services.
d) Your information shared by other parties
e) Shared information about you provided by other parties when using our services.

We obtain your information
Log information refers to the technical information that the system may automatically collect through cookies, web beacon or other means when you use our services, including:
a) Device or software information, such as configuration information provided by your mobile device, web browser or other programs used to access our services, your IP address and the version and device identification code used by your mobile device;< br> b) Information searched or browsed when using our services, such as web search terms you use, URL addresses of social media pages you visit, and other information and content details that you browse or request when using our services;< br> c) information about the mobile applications (APP) and other software you have used, and information about the mobile applications and software you have used;
d) Information about your communication through our services, such as the account number you have communicated with, as well as the communication time, data and duration;
e) Information contained in the content you share through our services (metadata), such as the date, time or location of shared photos or videos taken or uploaded.

Location information refers to the information about your location collected when you turn on the device positioning function and use our location-based related services, including:
a) Your geographic location information collected through GPS or WiFi when you use our services with a mobile device with positioning capabilities;
b) Real-time information including your geographic location provided by you or other users, such as your location information included in the account information you provide, shared information uploaded by you or others showing your current or past geographic location , geotagging information contained in photos shared by you or others;
c) You can stop collecting your geographical location information by turning off the positioning function.

How we use your information

We may use the information collected during the process of providing services to you for the following purposes
a) to provide services to you;
b) When we provide services, it is used for identity verification, customer service, security protection, fraud detection, archiving and backup purposes to ensure the security of the products and services we provide to you;
c) Explain that we design new services and improve our existing services;
d) Let us know more about how you access and use our services, so as to respond to your individual needs in a targeted manner, such as language settings, location settings, personalized explanation services and instructions, or make other instructions to you and other users response in terms of;
e) Provide you with more relevant advertisements instead of generally served advertisements;
f) Evaluate and improve the effectiveness of advertisements and other promotions and promotions in our services;
g) Software certification or management of software upgrades;
h) To allow you to participate in surveys about our products and services.
i) In order to allow you to have a better experience, improve our services or other purposes you have agreed to, under the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations, we may use the information collected through a service to collect information or personalize for our other services. For example, the information collected when you use one of our services may be used in another service to provide you with specific content, or to show you information related to you that is not generally pushed. If we provide the corresponding option in the relevant service, you can also authorize us to use the information provided and stored by the service for our other services.
How you can access and control your personal information
We will try our best to take appropriate technical means to ensure that you can access, update and correct your registration information or other personal information provided when using our services. When accessing, updating, correcting and deleting the aforementioned information, we may require you to verify your identity to ensure account security.
How you can request deletion of user data
a) You can apply to delete your user information by sending us an email.
b) In order to verify that this operation is an application for the individual, when applying for deletion of data, we will ask you to provide some key information for identity verification via email, including but not limited to: stored value information, user ID, account registration time, account number The country or region where the registration is located, etc.
c) Please note that after successfully verifying the user information, we will delete all relevant information of the user from the server unless required by the laws of the country or region where the user is located, and the user will no longer be able to access all previous relevant information Information.
d) Please note that deleting user data is an irreversible operation. User data cannot be restored after deletion. Please consider carefully before applying.
How we share your information
Except for the following circumstances, we and our affiliated companies will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent:
a) We and our affiliates may share your personal information with our affiliates, partners and third-party service providers, contractors and agents (such as communication service providers who send emails or push notifications on our behalf, map service providers who provide us with location data) (who may not be located in your jurisdiction) for the following purposes:
● Provide our services to you;
● To achieve the purposes described in the "How We May Use Information" section;
● Fulfill our obligations and exercise our rights in this "Privacy Policy" or other agreements reached between this game and you;
● To understand, maintain and improve our services.
b) If we or our affiliates share your personal information with any of the above-mentioned third parties, we will strive to ensure that such third parties comply with this "Privacy Policy" and other appropriate regulations that we require them to comply with when using your personal information. Confidentiality and Security Measures.
c) With the continuous development of our business, we and our affiliated companies may conduct mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will notify you prior to the transfer.
d) We or our affiliated companies may also retain, save or disclose your personal information for the following needs:
● You authorize or agree to the disclosure of this game;
● Comply with applicable laws and regulations;
● comply with court orders or other legal process;
● comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies;
● Purposes that are reasonably necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, safeguard social public interests, or protect the personal and property safety or legal rights of our customers, us or our group companies, other users or employees;
● In accordance with the relevant provisions of the game's terms of service and statements, or under other circumstances that the game deems necessary.
Information Security
We only retain your personal information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and within the time limit required by laws and regulations.
We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to prevent loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure of information. For example, in some services, we will use encryption technology (such as SSL) to protect the personal information you provide. But please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, even if we have strengthened security measures as much as possible, we cannot always guarantee 100% information security. You need to understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control.

Information you share

Our multiple services allow you to publicly share your relevant information not only with your online games, but also with all users who use the service, for example, the information you upload or publish in our services (including your public , lists you create), your responses to information uploaded or posted by others, including location data and log information related to such information. Other users of our services may also share information about you (including location data and log information). In particular, our social media service is specially designed to enable you to share information with users around the world, and you can make the shared information real-time and widely transmitted. As long as you do not delete the shared information, the relevant information will remain in the public domain; even if you delete the shared information, the relevant information may still be independently cached, copied or stored by other users or third parties not under our control, or used by others or such third parties are kept in the public domain.
Therefore, please carefully consider the content of information uploaded, published and communicated through our services. In some cases, you can control the scope of users who have the right to browse your shared information through the privacy settings of some of our services. If you request to delete your relevant information from our services, please operate through the methods provided in these special terms of service.
Users of this game can choose whether to disclose information. Some information is required to register with our services, but the provision of most other information is at the user's discretion. This game will regard the user's comfort and independent choice as the first priority.
This game provides users with countless interactive activities on the Internet. In order to facilitate users to participate in interactive activities and obtain interactive prizes, this game usually requires applicants to use their personal information in addition to contact methods (mail address and phone number). Fill out the form if interested. Such information is used by the game to accumulate profiles of its users. If the user does not want to provide the requested information and participate in such activities, this is entirely at the user's discretion.

Special reminder about information update and disclosure

This game encourages users to update and modify their personal information to make it valid. Users of this game can easily obtain and modify their personal information at any time. Users can modify and delete their relevant information at their own discretion.

How we may collect information

a) We or our third-party partners may collect and use your information through cookies and web beacon, and store such information.
b) We use our own cookies and web beacon to provide you with a more personalized user experience and service, and for the following purposes:
● Remember your identity. For example: cookies and web beacons help us identify you as our registered user, or save your preferences or other information you provide to us;
●Analyze your use of our services. For example, we may use cookies and web beacons to understand what activities you use our services for, or which web pages or services are most popular with you;
●Ad optimization. Cookies and web beacons help us provide you with relevant advertisements instead of general advertisements based on your information.
When we use cookies and web beacons for the above purposes, we may provide the non-personally identifiable information collected through cookies and web beacons to advertisers or other partners after statistical processing to analyze how users use our services, and for advertising purposes.
There may be cookies and web beacons placed by advertisers or other partners on our products and services. These cookies and web beacon may collect non-personally identifiable information about you to analyze how users use such services, send you advertisements that may be of interest to you, or evaluate the effectiveness of advertising services. The collection and use of such information by these third-party cookies and web beacons is not governed by this "Privacy Policy", but by the privacy policies of relevant users. We are not responsible for third-party cookies or web beacons.
Ad serving
We may use your relevant information to provide you with more relevant advertisements.
We may also use your information to send you marketing information through our services, email or other means, to provide or promote the following products and services of us or our third parties:
Our goods or services, the goods or services of our affiliates and partners, including instant messaging services, online media services, interactive entertainment services, social networking services, payment services, Internet search services, location and map services, applications Software and services, data management software and services, online advertising services, Internet finance, and other social media, entertainment, e-commerce, information and communication software or services (collectively "Internet Services");
Third-party goods or services, including but not limited to: Internet services, food and dining, sports, music, movies, television, live performances and other arts and entertainment, books, magazines and other publications, clothing and accessories, jewelry, cosmetics, personal Health and hygiene, electronics, collectibles, housewares, appliances, home improvement and furnishings, pets, automobiles, hotels, transportation and travel, banking, insurance and other financial services, loyalty points and rewards programs, and other related goods or services.
If you do not want us to use your personal information for the aforementioned advertising purposes, you can ask us to stop using your personal information for the aforementioned purposes through the relevant prompts we provide in advertisements or the guidelines provided in specific services.

Mail and News Feed

When you use our services, we may use your information to send emails, news or push notifications to your device. If you do not want to receive these information, you can choose to unsubscribe on your device according to our relevant prompts.

Service-Related Announcements

We may issue service-related announcements to you when necessary (for example, when a service is suspended due to system maintenance). You may not be able to cancel these service-related announcements that are not promotional in nature.

Third party service in our service

Our Services may include or link to social media or other services (including websites) provided by third parties. For example:
You use the "Share" button to share certain content to our service, or you use a third-party connection service to log in to our service. These functions may collect your relevant information (including your log information), and may install cookies on your computer to operate the above functions normally;
We provide you with links through advertisements or other means of our services, so that you can access third-party services or websites.
Such third party social media or other services may be operated by the relevant third party or by us. Your use of such third party's social media services or other services (including any personal information you provide to such third party) shall be governed by the third party's terms of service and privacy policy (not this "Privacy Policy"), You need to read its terms carefully. This "Privacy Policy" only applies to the information we collect, and does not apply to the services provided by any third party or the information usage rules of the third party. We are not responsible for any third party's use of the information provided by you.

Minors use our services

This game suggests that any minors who participate in online activities should obtain the consent of their parents or their legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as "guardians") in advance. This game will protect the relevant information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations.
We encourage parents or guardians to guide minors under the age of eighteen to use our services. We recommend that minors encourage their parents or guardians to read this Privacy Policy, and we recommend that minors seek the consent and guidance of their parents or guardians before submitting personal information.

User usage and policies

If the user does not comply with the following code of conduct, we have the right to deal with the account, including but not limited to banning, banning, etc.:
a) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;
b) Insulting or slandering others, infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;
c) Advocate and instigate the use of plug-ins and Trojan-related content;
d) Publishing any home page address or link including software, files, etc. that we reasonably judge to be inappropriate or not approved by us;
e) Contains other content prohibited by local laws and administrative regulations.
f) Using our game software, our game services or participating in our game activities through improper means or other unfair means.
g) Interfering with the normal provision of software and services in our games;
h) Other behaviors that are not listed in our reasonable judgment as violating or interfering with the game or the normal operation of the game;

Application of the Privacy Policy

Except for some specific services, this Privacy Policy applies to all of our services. These specific services will be subject to specific personal information protection statements. The specific personal information protection statement for certain specific services will more specifically explain how we use your information in these services. The personal information protection statement of this particular service forms part of this Privacy Policy. If there is any inconsistency between the personal information protection statement of a specific service and this Privacy Policy, the personal information protection statement of the specific service shall apply.
Unless otherwise specified in this "Privacy Policy", the terms used in this "Privacy Policy" will have the same meanings as those defined in other public terms formulated by this game.
Please note that this "Privacy Policy" does not apply to the following situations:
Information collected by third-party services accessed through our Services, including any third-party websites.
Information collected by other companies or organizations that advertise on our services.
The game cannot be operated normally due to force majeure or other factors, resulting in the termination of the operation of the game. After the operation of the game is terminated, we will delete all user data on the server at the same time, and users will not be able to log in to the server to play games.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may revise the terms of this "Privacy Policy" from time to time, and such revisions form part of this "Privacy Policy". If such amendments result in a substantial reduction of your rights under this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting a notice in a prominent position on the homepage or sending you an email or otherwise informing you before the amendments take effect. In this case, if you continue to use our services, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.
We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy each time you visit the game.